Interesting Readings
We have gathered articles here that support our services and will help you refine your thoughts, processes and behaviours in a positive way.
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By Jack Croman. For entrepreneurs and companies big and small, AI is not the enemy at the gates we feared, but a strategic building block for professional relationships that can ultimately improve a company's professional network, finances, and operational structure. Here's how AI can improve working relationships with four different business cohorts:
HBR By Scott Gerber. When it comes to networks, the bigger the better, right? Not necessarily. Carefully curate your most trusted, inner circle and you’ll be surprised at how much more valuable you’ll become to the larger community of people in the world who care about the same things you do.
Entrepeneur. By Ivan Misner. Your business thrives on you making contacts and getting new business. What happens after you've made the sale and they are now a client? How often should you be in touch with that person? What are some rules of thumb for keeping in touch and nurturing your relationship? Staying in touch is an important part of the networking process. Here are several tips for keeping in touch and strengthening your business relationships:
Simplify Your Company's Story: Learn how to communicate what you do in a way that's relatable to your referral sources.
Entrepeneur. By Ivan Misner. Central to the referral-marketing process for any entrepreneur is teaching people how to send you referrals. To do so, people must know exactly what you do--what product or service you provide or make, how and under what conditions you provide it, how well you do it, and in what ways you're better at what you do than your competitors.
Forbes. By Lisa Rabasca Roepe. There is no question that women are increasingly relying on a network of other businesswomen to help them get ahead. In fact, women are more than five times more likely to rely on a network that is mostly female , according to the Women in the Workplace 2017 study by McKinsey & Co. and LeanIn.Org. There are aspects of the PowerTrip that women’s networking groups can incorporate...
Business Insider. By RISHI CHOWDHURY. After attending my third networking event of the week, I realised that networking is one of the most valuable uses of my time in terms of return—and not just in monetary terms. Networking is free, most of the time. It’s full of like-minded individuals, and if you go to the right events, it’s full of people that you can work with or learn from in some way.
By Vivien Luu. Industry 4.0 will be marked by lightning-speed advancements and mind-boggling change as it brings together advances in digital, physical and biological technologies. Industries earmarked to revolutionise the future and generate billions if not trillions for the global economy include genomics, artificial intelligence and virtual reality. So as we look towards the future, it raises the question — what skills will we need to thrive in this brave new world?