Relational Intelligence (RQ) Program
1:1 series of 6 sessions to refine & develop relational capabilities
Service Description
Most of us focus on how much we know, but the ability to connect and be present in the midst of tasks is what sets leaders apart. Relational Intelligence is your competitive advantage and will increase your influence, your likeability, the desire for people to want to be around you. This program is highly customised to each individual. Minimum 6 sessions to take place over 6 months to refine & develop relational capabilities. Sessions are set for one hour, though depending on the content being covered may need 1.5 hours. This series includes the 360° EI Leadership Feedback Report for leaders with direct reports and the workplace version for future leaders. This program looks at your network and how you can more effectively create and manage relationships within to support you and your career as well as more effectively influence those around you for positive performance and outcomes. You will walk away with stronger soft, social and emotional skills to help you in all facets of work and life. As you know, effective communication is not only in the transmission but most importantly in the reception of what it being communicated. This interactive, customised and feedback driven program will tackle every angle leaving you with a strategy for success to apply across all relationship categories. Given the focus is on connecting, you will develop an expanded awareness of your verbal and non verbal impact, deepen your emotional intelligence and apply proven strategies for more effective relationship management. Price is for the entire series. Please contact us to discuss a payment plan. Note - you will be asked to book in your first session at the time of confirming this program. Sessions will be held over zoom.

Cancellation Policy
If you cancel a session, you may be liable for a cancellation fee of $300. To reschedule, please contact us with at least 24 hours notice.
Contact Details