7 Tips To Maximise Networking Opportunities This Silly Season
The end of the year brings with it a whole new dimension of excitement. As a professional, or even just as an individual, you might find that your inbox is suddenly filled to the brim with invites to events and end-of-year activities. Better known as the silly season.
It can be fun. It can be tiring. It can appear too much. That said, it is the BEST opportunity for networking you will have in the year!
Here are our seven tips on how you can survive and thrive this silly season!
Surviving and Thriving Through Silly Season:
1. Plan
Your time spent at events is precious, so try not to waste it. You can plan ahead by researching which guests will be attending and who you would most like to speak to. Work out some objectives. and remember to arrive early
2. Prepare
Preparing both physical and mental is important when attending an event.. Find out about the dress code and make sure you fit in with it… but don't overdo it. Make sure you have eaten before the event so you can focus on networking conversations. Drinking alcohol is ok. But again, don't overdo it.
3. Team Up
Invite someone to join you so that you have the confidence of someone familiar with you. They could be a colleague or someone you want to know more. Bringing someone with you can help you forge additional connections and position yourself as a bridge between others. Think of it as networking within networking.
4. Stretch Yourself
At the same time, do not stick to people you already know. It is tempting to talk to those who you already have rapport with. We all like comfort. But that’s not the point of networking. Meeting new people always creates new opportunities and ideas.
5. Stay Until The End
Don't leave early. Bowing out from an event before it finishes can appear rude and may preclude an unforeseen opportunity. You never know how things will play out. Stay till the end and make the most of the time available to you.
6. Follow Up
When meeting someone for the first time, try to sow the seeds for a second engagement. Exchange contact information, connect on social media and suggest further meetups.
7. Rest
Most importantly make sure you build in time to unwind and ground again afterwards. Attending networking events can be overwhelming, especially when there are many in succession. Take social breaks where you rest and recuperate. This will boost your future performance and ensure you are open to all the opportunities that are out there.
We are here to support you with advice and guidance. Contact the Relatus team for more information on exactly how we can help. Check out this 1/2 day workshop in March to make 2023 your best year for networking.
Happy festive season,
Julia Palmer a respected Relational Strategist and Chief Executive of Relatus, helping you develop your relational capabilities to give you the human advantage.